Lake Van
Now there is an endeavor around Lake Van.
Within the scope ofsea front project for Edremit, walking and cycling
trails, tartan track, cafeterias and beaches are beingbuilt. While ali
these constructions are going on, Lake Van offers a different holiday
experience with facilities whereyou can have breakfast and watch the sun
set on the coasts of Edremit and Gevaş, bays and coves uraiting to be
explored, alkaline and salty waters that are beneficial to skin.
the other hand, Lake Van basin, on the migration route of birds, offers
unique snapshots for birdwatchers and nature photographers. 213 bird
species out of450 in Turkey are found
here on this basin. Each year, thousands offlamingoes settle here from April to November.
Akdamar Island
Akdamar, first the weather gets warm and the almond trees blossom. The
island, especially in this season, invites travelers to be part of an
indescribable scenery with bluest coves, its church which was turned
into a storyteller thanks to able hands of Armenian stonemasons and
surrounding mountains covered with snow. It makes you feel special.
Akdamar is one of the four islands on the Lake Van which is called as
"sea”by Van residents. It was named af ter the church ordered to Monk
Manuel during the reign of Gagik I, the Vaspurakan king.
as cross with reliefs depictingparables from Bihle and Torah on its
façade, the church has been mentioned in many legends for centuries.
the snow on its majestic mountains melt, a new kind of life starts here
in Van. Waterfalls flow vibrant, the environs become like a flovtrer
garden. Localsgo to Muradiye Waterfall in order to watch Bendimahi
Creek, springing out in Tendürek Mountain, flow from a deep valley. They
walk aroıınd and picnic in this natural picnic site. They invite those
who have no cover to sit on, no herby cheese with them. The best spot to
watch the brawling waterfall is the facility adjacent to draw bridge.
you walk through the opposite offlouringdirection, you will be seeing a
visual show consisting ofmany small waterfalls. Ganisipi is another
vvaterfall in Van thatyou shouldn’t miss. Located in Beyaztaş on Van
-Çatak highu/ay and babbling as ifexplodingfrom a hollou/ after the snow
melts, this waterfall is famous for its milky white color due to water
foam. It is ideal to have picnic around the waterfall which loses much
of its capacity through the end of summer. You can taste red-spotted
trout in a trout facility nearby.
Van Breakfast
cheese, a classic with unique herbs picked from mountains in spring
such as sirmo, tarhun, mendo and, helis; shelled walnut jam; kavut that
is made by frying butter, and flour which was fried first and then
ground... Ifyou do not sigh
upon hearing these, it means you have never had breakfast in Van before.
It doesn’t matter whether it is in Van çenter or in Edremit on the
coast ofthe lake; you will never forget the breakfast served with lavash
bread baked in stone öven, Van pastry and unstrained tea. This
tradition, which villagers coming to the dairy Stores in the city
started vvith food they brought together, is a must for a trip in Van.
Van Cat
Van is a city famous for its world-renown cats. These cute animals, non-hybridized pedigrees, are different than
cat species because they are more friendly, have white, silky fur and
long and fluffy tail, different colors in each eye, and love ıvater.
Since they are small in numbers, they are under protection.
much, only 50 years ago, Van cats were strolling in the streets.
Registered as national breed in 2006 with a communique published in the
Official Gazette, Van cats might not be seen in the streets but can
stili be seen in Van Cat Research Çenter.
In the çenter
which is visited by an average of 20 thousand people each year, you can
fondle, feed and take photos with cats. You can visit the store before
leaving and buy objects with cat motifs.